Cyber Security Awareness Month

As part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we will be sharing essential and relevant cybersecurity information throughout October and November.

Kindly share this information with your friends and co-worker.

Some basic things you should be aware of - 

A gentle reminder - practice good security hygiene.
From the team at TCD

  • Secure your password and use MFA/2FA where possible to protect all sensitive information.

  • NEVER use the common password, make your passwords complex. Implement a complex password policy.
    Use a long passphrase.

  • Be aware of Phishing emails, they are carefully crafted and looks like legitimate email.

  • Familiarise yourself with signs of phishing scams such as:

    • Standard Phishing: Usually involve mass emails sent to a multitude of people

    • Spear Phishing: A targeted attack on an individual or organisation using personal information

    • Whale Phishing: Targets executives or people who have access to sensitive information

    • Vishing: This attack uses phone calls or VoIP (Voice over IP) messages to target people of interest

  • Do not use public Wi-Fi when transmitting confidential information, public wifi can also be a ‘hacker’s hotspot’. Use a VPN.

  • In a remote work environment (work from home), you are vulnerable - Use Zero Trust and IAM, to prevent unwanted access.

  • Better data management and risk analysis/management - Reminder - with the Optus hack, your information is out there.

  • Stay safe, don't be so quick to click on any unfamiliar links in your emails, and report any suspicious emails ASAP.

  • Understand the basic Essential 8 requirements.
    Application Control is needed to make sure malware and Ransomware cannot be executed. Hacker-proof your PC!

Your security is our Priority.

Your friendly Support Team


Cyber Security Awareness Month


SolarWinds Orion Cyber-Attack: Uncovering the 2020 Catastrophic Bug