2023 Cyber Security Landscape: Trends and Priorities

Cyber Security throughout the years is becoming a priority for companies to abide by, even the Australian Government recognises the change and restructuring of the law to adjust to the evolution of cybercrime. Below are a few discussion topics that will be on the rise for 2023:

Credential Phishing remains the hackers ‘go-to’, exploiting Omnichannel strategy.

Phishing remains the highest technique for hackers to obtain data from the targeted victim. With 70% of cyber attacks being emails containing a phishing link. The rise in phishing also includes ‘omnichannel cyber-attacks’ which are phishing tactics used to mirror a legitimate business and trick a user into believing it is the real company and not a scam. 

Cyber Insurance

Due to the rise in cybercrime, insurance against cybercrime is also increasing in price as companies being hacked is becoming more and more common throughout the months

AI in Cyber Defensive

AI technology is starting to trend for 2023 as AI has become more reliable and easy to acquire over the years with businesses taking full advantage of AI self-learning abilities to collect data on different successful methods of business and ideas. AI can also detect new forms of malicious cyber activity without the user registering or updating the program.

Zero-trust architecture

Zero-Trust is making its way across Australia teaching people to not take cyber security for granted. Leaving a personal computer unlocked can be the same as leaving the house unlocked nowadays.

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This is Part of our Cyber Security awareness educational campaign. Through this training, you will learn awareness and key principles, and best practices to protect yourself, your organisation, and the public from cyber attackers. You will also be equipped with the knowledge to identify potential threats and take action before any damage can occur.


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